CME Services is excited to announce a new product to our service portfolio: data analysis with the market-leading Microsoft Power BI application. Keep your finger on the pulse of your business at all times. Access critical analytical data via web or mobile to stay on top of your sales, profit and returns trends.

All examples shown are from a project for AdventureWorks - a fictional bicycle shop, with demo data.

Use the tabs on this page to view the various highlighted features and how the data is dynamically updated on each page when elements are activated / selected.

An executive overview of AdventureWorks (fictional bicycle shop) sales performance

Dynamically filter data by selecting a product:

Dynamically filter data based on selection made

Dynamically filter data on the page by selecting a category:

Clothing category selected here to display relevant data

Hover over a product category like Bikes to see a detailed analysis for that category

Hover over Category to see detailed analysis – seen here Bikes Category

An example of a custom menu as seen here to the left of the page with additional filters

Using a custom menu for further dynamic filtering of data – seen here Year filtered to 2022 and Continent to North America
Result of the above filters in action

Adding Charts to further analyse date-driven data

Total Revenue for 12 January 2021 displayed by selecting this point on the chart

We add custom pages to the report to display other relevant data

Links added to pages with further analysis like this Map displaying total orders per country

Another great page for detailed product analysis

Product Detail page with price adjustment filter to see how price increase / decrease affects profit

Analyse your customers to see who your top customers are

Customer Detail page with key indicators for top customers and revenue